Monday, October 17, 2005

Winter is Here for District 11

Santa Claus House is open year-round. You can buy letters from Santa for your kids or grandkids and it is one of the largest gift stores in Alaska. The family owned business is managed by former Senator Mike Miller of North Pole.

It is winter
North Pole, Alaska
To the left the largest Santa Claus is garbed with snow and to the right Santa Claus House is decorated with snow.
North Pole, Alaska is situated right in the heart of District 11. The following are winter scenes from our District.

This is a shot of the sky at 8:00 a.m. in mid-October heading east on Badger Road to North Pole. Winter has arrived and is here to stay. This weekend there were lots of cars in the ditches. It seems every year people have to learn to drive on snow and ice all over again. Most of the vehicles are four-wheel-drive rigs that think they have an advantage on ice; not true.

The snow is here to stay. The Santa Claus Lane overpass turn off is now covered with snow. There have already been several wrecks in the North Pole-Badger Road area, so please drive carefully.

Mid-October western skies at dusk on Copper Street off Dennis Road. A snow pack forms on local roads for winter travel.

The sun reflects light rays through the clouds off Bradway Road in the mid-September sky.

New homes are still under construction even after the snow has hit the ground. North Pole is growing. This new subdivision is close to North Pole HIgh School.

The Flint Hills Refinery can be seen in the background behind North Pole High School. The 2004 NPHS Varsity Football team won the Railbelt Championship. Go Patriots!!


Jack Coghill gives the camera a high five to show his youthful heart at the age of eighty.

Jack Coghill turned 80 on September 24th, but the celebration was put on hold until Saturday, October 15th, to make sure son, Jeff, was home from his barge run down the Kuskokwim River. Most of the Coghill Clan was there in Nenana to share in the celebration.

Jack's son, Representative John Coghill, and Jack's great-grandsons, Joseph and Alexander Green drove to Nenana for the celebration.

Jack's son, Jeff Coghill, a brage pilot on the Kuskokwim River, saluted a toast to Jack saying eighties years is not near the number of votes Jack has got in his life or, for that matter, the number of hands Jack had to shake to get all those votes.

Connie Karl and Brenda Hewitt catch up on their lives. Connie and Brenda both have worked on Jack's past campaigns for public office.

Graffitti was colorful and the food was incredible. It was a great night for a great man. Thanks to all that drove the icy roads to the party.

The ride home to North Pole was fascinating with the sky moving from a bright moon, to silver linings, to the cloudy sky painted with orange and yellow.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Thanks to a friend in Hoonah for this one!

With hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, fires, severe thunderstorms and earthquakes tearing up the country from one end to another, the quote of the month is:

Jay Leno: "Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"

This picture was taken at 2 mile Badger Road at 6 p.m on a mid-October evening showing the colors of the sky in the west.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

1st Annual Fall Feast

You are invited to a dinner honoring the
2005 Eagle Award Recipient of Alaska
Representative John Coghill
Saturday, November 19th
7:00 p.m.
Dalman's Family Restaurant
3340 Badger Road
Beaver Brook Mall
Debbie Joslin, State Chair for the Eagle Forum will present the award to Representative Coghill for his contributions to God, family and country through his service to Alaskans as a member of the Alaska House of Representatives the last seven years.
Tickets are $25.00
There are only 75 tickets and they are going fast so RSVP soon to Debbie Vance, Secretary for District 11 at 488-0616.
Paid for by District 11 Alaska Republican Party, 1193 Pueblo Street, North Pole, AK 99705-5770; Mike Prax, Chairman