Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Sunday Picnic

People from Fairbanks area gathered for a picnic at Auke Bay Recreation area on Easter Sunday. Here Brian Kertz, Barbara Cotting, Susan Rael, George Solli, Robert John, Kat Moss, and Jane Pierson warm up by the fire while waiting for the crab to cook.

Dave Stancliff and Robert John (RJ) discuss how to start a fire and keep it going. Dave was telling RJ how to soak saw dust in diesel to ignite a fire. Dave was also giving tips on outhouse seats at forty below.

Annie and Abbi checking out the live crab.

Susan Rael, Dave and RJ watch crab reacting to being put in freshwater waiting for the water to boil.

Susan, Emily Stancliff and Brian Kertz watch Dave prep the crab for the pot.

Jim and Debbie Pound arrived on Jim's Christmas present, new Harley.

Designated scouts for the picnic, Barbara Cotting and Kayla Epstein.

Dave and Representative Gruenberg.

Brian, Emily, and Sue Stancliff chat with passerbyer.

Nelda (Rep. Kelly's Office) Stewart's son, Anthony, enjoyed the strawberries.

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