Sunday, February 19, 2006

District 11 Holds Convention

District 11 held its district convention yesterday, electing new officers and nominating delegates to the state convention.
Todd Larkin is the new district chair while Mike Prax stayed in the leadership of the district as vice-chair. Todd got involved in Alaska politics several years ago at the borough level with FACT, then worked for Representative Jim Holm as a legislative aide in 2003.
Todd has been an activist voice in reducing government regulation of the everyday lives of Alaskans and was instrumental in significantly changing the face of HB 81 which regulates sole proprietors that are handymen.
Aino Welch was elected secretary. She recently was appointed by the executive committee to replace Debbie Vance who resigned to focus on her sons education and her work with the Civil Air Patrol.
Del Moss continues in his seat as treasurer.
The Alaska Republican Party State Convention will be held in Fairbanks on April 7th - 9th at the Westmark Hotel.
2006 Officers and contact information:

Chairman Todd Larkin

Vice-Chair Mike Prax

Secretary Aino Welch

Treasure Del Moss

Bonus Vote Jeannette James
If you would like to attend the state convention as a delegate contact Todd Larkin or Mike Prax or Aino Welch ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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